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Do I book the fishing?No
Can I fish at night?No it is illegal at the moment but this is subject to change in the future.
Is there a nearby bus service?Unfortunately not. Your own means of transport is necessary.
What time is the pool open?The pool will be available from 8:30am until dusk. This can be earlier if required and when prior arranged with the host.
Where are the nearest amenities?In Gorron there are Banks, Pharmacy, Restaurants, Supermarket, Petrol stations and a Launderette.
Where is the nearest Boulangerie (Baker)?Brece square. Closed on Mondays Open from Tuesday to Sunday. Weekdays closed for lunch between 12:00pm and 2:00pm. There is a Boulangerie at the supermarket which opens at 7:00am Monday to Saturday and a vending machine producing fresh baguettes in Chatillion-sur-Colomont.
Where is the nearest cinema?In Gorron and has English speaking films on a Monday evening.
Can I swim at night?No, pool will close at dusk.
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